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clear01.gif (55 bytes) San u kamenu
(a poem by Jure Kastelan)
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S I T N O: the ancient church of St Clement

Thanks Goran

Goran Ivanisevic - Wimbledon Champion 2001.

!!!The change of Sitno Donje borders!!!

In the period between 2002 and 2004 Split City Council decided to change western borders of historical Poljica village Sitno, which were recorded for the first time in the Statute of Poljica, in 1482. The official decisions connected with these changes were filled with legal and expert irregularities and errors. It is not clear why the citizens of Sitno Donje weren't informed about the changes. Thus, the links at the bottom of this paragraph bring all information and documents about the changes of borders, as well as about the initiative for new legal decisions which would take into account historical and legal arguments which confirm that the western borders of Sitno Donje follow the river Zrnovnica. The petition enclosed with the initiative was signed by 156 citizens with electoral right in Sitno Donje. We are inviting people from Poljica and citizens of the Republic of Croatia to support our demands for correction of these unfair decisions and for the righteous and legal work of the city of Split government.

Sitno Donje Sitno Gornje
Sitno Donje Sitno Gornje
Current temperature and weather forecast

Samo sunce, sunce, sunce
i galebovi svrate u letu
u tvoj san
na kamenoj kosi Mosora.

O vjetrovi, vjetrovi, vjetrovi,
samo vjetrovi znaju toplinu tvojih obraza,
i disanje trava u vrtacama.

Bure i kise
pjevaju ti uspavanku
bure i kise.

Samo sunce, sunce, sunce
i galebovi svrate u letu
u tvoj san
na kamenoj kosi Mosora.


Jure Kastelan, San u kamenu

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